
I would like to read about recent developments in the minerals industry - where can I find this information?

Each year, the Minerals and Metals Sector (MMS) of Natural Resources Canada collects and publishes statistics on mineral exploration, development, and production.

Where can I go to find information on operating mines in BC including statistics, locations and company information?
  • Visit BC Mine Information website: http://mines.nrs.gov.bc.ca/
  • Visit the MABC online interactive map of BC Operations and select options to view operating and proposed metal, coal and industrial mines BC by region, status, commodity


Frequently Asked Questions about Free Miner's Certificate

Find information relating to Free Miners Certificate by visiting  Mineral Titles FAQ section of the BC Ministry of Energy and Mines website:


For further information contact the Mineral Titles Branch:

Telephone: 1-866-616-4999
Email: Mineral.Titles@gov.bc.ca

How are mining products of benefit in our day-to-day lives?

The products of the mining industry  help build the highways,electrical and communications networks,housing, automobiles, consumer electronics and other products and infrastructure essential to modern life.

Some samples of consumer application that rely on mining products:

  • Batteries—nickel, cadmium, lithium, cobalt
  • Circuitry—gold, copper, aluminum, steel, lithium, titanium, silver, cobalt, tin, lead, zinc
  • Computer/TV screens—silicon, boron, lead,barium, strontium, phosphorus, indium
  • Cosmetics and jewellery—iron oxide, kaolin, zinc, titanium, dioxide, gold, diamonds, copper
  • Electricity—coal, uranium
  • Eyeglasses—limestone, feldspar, soda ash
  • Leather clothing—borax, chromium, zirconium, aluminum, titanium oxide
  • Musical instruments—copper, silver copper, silver, steel, nickel, brass, cobalt, copper, iron, aluminum
  • Sports equipment—graphite, aluminum, titanium, calcium carbonate, sulphur
  • Sun protection—zinc oxide
  • Steel—nickel, iron ore, zinc for rustproofing
  • Vehicles and tires—steel, copper, zinc, barium, graphite, sulphur, bromine, iodine
  • Wind, solar, hybrids—nickel, aluminum, lithium, gallium, indium, germanium

Information courtesy of Mining Association of Canada, Facts + Figures 2011

What is the difference between the Mining Association of BC and the Association for Mineral Exploration?

The Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC), founded in 1901, speaks on behalf of mineral and coal producers and advanced development companies involved in the exploration, development and smelting of minerals in British Columbia, Canada.

The Association for Mineral Exploration (AME),  founded in 1912, promotes a healthy environment and business climate for the mineral exploration industry. It is regarded as the predominant voice of mineral exploration and related issues in British Columbia.

Where can I find historical photos of mining in BC?

If you are looking for historical photos of mining in BC we recommend you try the following sources:

Vancouver Public Library, Special Collections
350 West Georgia St., Vancouver B.C. V6B 6B1
Telephone: (604) 331-3603
Historical Photographs Telephone: (604) 331-3776
FAX: (604) 331-3777

Where can I find information about coal production in BC?

To find coal production statistics for BC visit  BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resourceswebsite.

Where can I find information about metal production in BC?

To view annual BC metal production and value statistics visit: BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources website. Information covers Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc and Molybdenum. 

Where can I find information and statistics on mineral production in Canada by province and territory?

Annual mineral production statistics in Canada by province and territory can be found under the Minerals and Metals Sector area of the Natural Resources Canada website. Monthly statistics are located here.


Where can I find a list or contact information for federal Ministers of Parliament, Deputy Ministers, Senators and MP offices ?

To locate contact information for federal Ministers of Parliament, Deputy Ministers, Senators and MP offices visit Government of Canada Electronic Directory Services online.

Where can I find information on the ministry or department responsible for natural resources and mining in each province and territory in Canada?

To find information on ministries or departments responsible for natural resources and mining in each province and territory in Canada visit Natural Resources Canada Directory web page.

Where can I find the contact information for a BC provincial government official?

To find contact information for a BC government official or BC government organizations, visit the online  BC Government Directory.


What federal government organization provides overarching management for major resource projects in Canada?

The Major Projects Management Office (MPMO) is a Government of Canada organization whose role is to provide overarching project management and accountability for major resource projects in the federal regulatory review process, and to facilitate improvements to the regulatory system for major resource projects.

What government organization manages the permitting of mining projects in BC?

The Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) is a neutral agency that manages the review of proposed major projects in British Columbia, as required by the Environmental Assessment Act.

Prospecting/Claim Staking

How do I obtain a prospector's licence?

Find information relating to Free Miners Certificate by visiting  Mineral Titles FAQ section of the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources website:


For further information contact the Mineral Titles Branch:

Telephone: 1-866-616-4999
Email: Mineral.Titles@gov.bc.ca

Where can a person go in BC to pan for gold?

The BC Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources has created a number of recreational panning reserves around the Province that are open to the general public to use for recreational gold panning.

To obtain a list of maps for gold panning areas in the province visit:  Recreational Panning Reservespage on the Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources website.

Where can I find a handbook on prospecting?

To understand the basics of prospecting read, Introduction to Prospecting by E.L. Faulkner, Paper 1986-4. 

This resource can be accessed in pdf format on the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources website.

Where do I go to find information about mineral titles in BC?

To find information related to mineral titles in BC visit Mineral Titles Online. Mineral Titles Online (MTO) is an Internet-based mineral titles administration system that allows mineral exploration industry to acquire and maintain a mineral titles by selecting the area on a seamless digital GIS map of British Columbia and pay the associated fees electronically.

The Mineral Titles office administers the laws and manages the recording system pertaining to the acquisition and maintenance of mineral, placer and coal rights in the province. The Ministry maintains records and maps which indicate areas available for location and acquisition of title as well as the location and status of mineral and coal titles acquired under the Mineral Tenure Act and Coal Act.


Are tailings storage facilities / dams the same as conventional water dams?

Tailings storage facilities are similar to conventional dams and they are subject to similar technical guidelines but serve different purposes. They are also regulated by different government agencies and under separate pieces of legislation.

How are tailings storage facilities regulated in BC?

TSFs are regulated in BC by the Ministry of Energy & Mines under the Mines Act[1] and the Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia (HSRC). The HRSC includes the requirement to use the Canadian Dam Association Dam Safety Guidelines[3].

The CDA guidelines are comprehensive design guidelines that include a Consequence of Failure classification.   Dams are rated according to the potential effect of failure and dams are assigned risk ratings of low, medium, high, very high or extreme.  Design guidelines vary by the risk rating.

Many mining companies in BC also use the Towards Sustainable Mining Tailings Management Protocol and   Guides[4] in managing their operations.

[1] http://www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/96293_01

[3] http://www.cda.ca

[4] http://mining.ca/towards-sustainable-mining/protocols-frameworks/tailings-management

How is the safety of tailings dams maintained?

The provincial government through the Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia (HSRC), requires:

  • Tailings dams are inspected annually, Dam Safety Inspection (DSI), with reports submitted to and reviewed by the Chief Inspector of Mines
  • Dam Safety Reviews are required every five years for dams with a significant, high, very high or extreme classification. These reviews are comprehensive and follow the Association of Profession Engineers of BC (APEG BC) Guidelines[1] and the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) Guidelines.
  • All TSFs are required to have an Operational, Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) Manual that prescribes the responsibilities of all parties associated with the tailings dam and documents dam safety procedures for monitoring and response to monitoring.

[1] https://www.apeg.bc.ca/getmedia/a373a764-1869-41b5-b07d-81d36a0698c3/APEGBC-Legislative-Dam-Safety-Reviews.pdf.aspx

How many tailings dams are there in BC?
What is a dam break analysis and inundation study?
  • Tailings dams are designed to meet specifications to withstand very low probability events, such as floods and earthquakes.
  • Dam break analysis and inundation studies are primarily used to inform the emergency preparedness and response planning and the dam classification.  The dam classification is then used to inform the design specifications. 
  • They are based on hypothetical scenarios not connected to probability of occurrence.   Any imaginable cause of failure, which has a probability greater than zero, is considered. 
  • For example, a dam with an extreme classification would be required to withstand an earthquake with a magnitude that has a probability of 0.0001% chance of occurring.   However, the dam break analyses may assume this event could occur as a “hypothetical event” in the interest of being conservative when it comes to emergency preparedness and response planning.
What is a tailings storage facility (TSF)?

A tailings storage facility (TSF) is a structure made up of (one or more dams) built for the purposes of storing the uneconomical ore (ground up rock, sand and silt) and water from the milling process.

What is contained in a tailings storage facility?

Tailings, ground up rock (uneconomical ore after processing) plus water, are contained in the TSF. The composition of the tailings will vary depending on the composition of the rock in the surrounding environment and the process of mineral extraction used at each mine.

What is the water quality in a tailings management facility?

Water to be discharged from the TSF is regulated by the provincial Environmental Management Act and federal Fisheries Act.[1] [2]

[1] http://www.bclaws.ca/EPLibraries/bclaws_new/document/ID/freeside/03053_00

[2] http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/f-14/